How to Pass a Vehicle Safely?
November 16th, 2020 by Fix Auto USA

Exercise caution when passing another vehicle. If you pass recklessly or continuously change lanes, your actions could lead to an auto collision.
When Can You Pass a Car?
Passing a car is legal if you approach a vehicle that is traveling slower than the flow of traffic and speed limit. In this instance, the vehicle in front of you inadvertently creates a risky situation for you and other motorists. So, safely passing a vehicle may be the best option for both you and other drivers to limit the risk of a collision.
How to Safely Pass a Vehicle
If you need to pass a car in front of you, you should do so at a safe speed. Under no circumstances should you travel faster than the speed limit or flow of traffic. You should never try to pass a vehicle while traveling at a speed that is unsafe due to poor weather or road conditions, either.
Pass the vehicle in the left lane. Passing on the right side is only allowed if it is absolutely necessary to avoid a traffic hazard.
When you pass a vehicle, you should activate your car’s turn signal at least 100 feet in advance. Your car’s speed should be at least 10 to 15 mph faster than that of the vehicle you are passing. You should never pass a vehicle if it has stopped to let a pedestrian or bicyclist pass.
If you need to pass a motorcyclist, ensure there is at least a full lane width between your car and the motorcycle. You should never travel in the same lane as a motorcyclist, regardless of whether the lane is wide enough to fit both your vehicle and a motorcycle.
When Should You Not Pass Another Vehicle
Instances in which you should not pass another vehicle include:
- There is a double solid yellow line in the center of a road or a solid yellow line on the side you want to use to pass a vehicle
- A “Do Not Pass” sign indicates that passing on a roadway is prohibited
- The other vehicle is traveling at or above the speed limit; in this instance, you would need to travel 10 to 15 mph above the speed limit to pass, which is illegal
- Oncoming traffic is within 200 feet of your vehicle or the vehicle in front of you
- A bridge or railroad crossing is approximately 100 feet away
- There is a school bus in front of you that is loading or unloading kids
- You cannot safely see around the vehicle you want to pass
There are also instances when you can legally pass a vehicle, but it may be dangerous to do so. These instances include:
- There is a long line of vehicles on a road
- You are approaching a “No Passing Zone”
- Heavy traffic is nearby
- The car in front of you is preparing to stop and turn
Of course, if you’re driving and a car wants to pass your vehicle, you should remain cautious. In this scenario, you may want to slow down to make it easier for the other motorist to pass. Then, once the vehicle passes, you can continue to safely navigate your car down the road.
Finally, if a collision occurs as you pass a car or a vehicle passes you, first ensure that you and anyone else involved in the accident are safe. If you experienced auto body damage during the collision, reach out to certified technicians for assistance.
Fix Auto employs certified auto body technicians who can perform comprehensive collision repairs following an accident. If you were recently involved in a car accident and would like us to repair your vehicle’s bumper, paint, windshield, or other exterior components, contact us online or call us today at 800.INFO.FIX.
This blog post was contributed by Fix Auto Rocklin, a leading industry expert and collision repair shop servicing Placer County.
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