How to Avoid Car Damage from Road Debris
December 14th, 2020 by Fix Auto USA

Tires, tree branches, mattresses, and other road debris can cause serious damage to your car or an accident. However, if you understand the dangers of road debris car damage, you can take steps to avoid these issues.
Worried About Debris on the Road? Here’s What You Need to Do
Road debris can appear on any road, at any time — and you need to prepare accordingly. To avoid car damage from road debris, you should
1, Stay Alert
Watch the road and keep an eye out for any potential hazards. In addition, turn off your cell phone and eliminate any other potential driving distractions. This will allow you to focus on what’s most important: staying alert and ensuring that you can quickly identify and avoid road debris.
2. Avoid Tailgating
Maintain a safe distance between your car and all others on the road. If debris appears on the road, the driver in front of you may suddenly slam on the brakes. Meanwhile, if you’re traveling a safe distance behind this driver, you can increase the likelihood that your car can come to a full stop before you rear-end the vehicle in front of you.
3. Navigate Around Debris
If you encounter road debris, slow down as soon as you see it. Try not to slam on the brakes, as the driver traveling behind your car may not have enough time to stop their vehicles, which can cause an accident.
4. Avoid Sharp Turns
When navigating around debris, do not make sharp turns. If you turn too sharply, you could inadvertently lose control of your car, which can lead to an accident. So, proceed with caution, and you should have no trouble avoiding debris before it damages your car or results in an accident.
How to Stop Road Debris
If drivers understand the risks associated with debris on the road, they can prevent it from becoming a problem.
There are several factors that contribute to road debris car damage and accidents, and these include:
- Travel Speed: Cars travel at high speeds on interstate highways increase the risk of cargo and vehicle components coming off of the car. This is the main cause of debris-related damage and accidents.
- Time of Day: Drivers are more likely to move furniture and other heavy items in the morning and afternoon. Hence, the risk of debris-related damage and accidents is higher during these periods of times.
- Swerving: A driver may swerve suddenly to avoid road debris but lose control of their car, which may lead to vehicle damage and accidents.
To stop road debris, drivers traveling with large objects must ensure that these objects are securely fastened to their cars. A large object can be attached to a car with netting, rope, or straps, and the driver should double-check to verify that the object is securely in place and that their vehicle is not overloaded before departing.
Along with large objects, snow and ice on vehicles can contribute to road debris. As such, drivers should remove all snow from their cars before they drive. This enables drivers to keep snow and ice from flying off their cars and into the road while traveling — and protects other drivers against debris-related damage and accidents.
Lastly, if your car is damaged by road debris, Fix Auto’s collision repair technicians are ready to help. We offer comprehensive auto body repair services to correct any dents, dings, or other damage caused by debris on the road. To learn more or to schedule a service appointment, please contact us online or call us today at 800.INFO.FIX.
This blog post was contributed by Fix Auto Stockton, a leading industry expert and collision repair shop servicing Stockton.
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