5 Most Common Causes of Auto Collisions, How to Avoid Them
October 17th, 2020 by Eli P

Auto collisions are called “accidents,” but they always happen for a reason. Here are the top 5 causes of car accidents and how you can avoid them.
1. Distracted Drivers
The leading cause of car accidents is distracted driving. While some drivers are conscientious and try to be alert and aware, others are driving while texting, checking their appearance in the mirror, yapping on the phone, changing radio stations, or eating a sandwich that’s falling apart all over them. In another car, the parent driver has one hand on the steering wheel while with the other hand she tries to shut down a backseat brawl between her kids. When you think about it, it really is no surprise that distracted driving is the most common cause of collision!
How to avoid: Distracted driving occurs when you let something else take priority over paying attention to the road. To avoid this situation:
- Use your cell phone for emergency situations only.
- Don’t drive when over-tired or sleepy.
- Don’t eat or attempt any personal grooming while driving.
- Never attempt to multitask behind the wheel.
- Let passengers find addresses and directions for you.
- Nevertext and drive.
2. Exceeding the speed limit
You may think you’re able to maintain control at high speeds, but if something were to go wrong, you would be putting yourself and your loved ones – not to mention your car – at significant risk. When you are speeding down the highway, you have less time to react to unforeseen hazards and obstructions. Whatever time you think speeding could save you is simply not worth the potential pain.
How to avoid: The solution to avoiding speed-related accidents is a no-brainer – slow down and observe the posted speed limit. In wet or dangerous weather, drive only as fast as road conditions permit. On long-distance trips, setting your car on cruise control can help to prevent “speed creep” and keep your car at the proper speed.
3. Driving while impaired
Although it is so obvious by now, it still bears constant repeating: drunk driving kills people. It destroys lives. And, as we have seen firsthand at Fix Auto USA, drunk driving destroys cars. If you plan to go out drinking or to a club, find a designated driver or seek out alternative ways to get home. Beyond alcohol, you should not drive after any drugs medications that cause drowsiness.
How to avoid:
- Don’t get behind the wheel if you’ve been drinking or taking a drug that can impair your cognitive abilities.
- Call a cab or request an Uber.
- Give your keys to a friend.
- Stay at a friend’s house
- Don’t overestimate your ability to drive after a few drinks. If a friend or family member says you shouldn’t drive, don’t!
4. Inclement weather
Snow, ice, sleet, hail, heavy rain, strong winds, fog – the list of weather conditions that can lead to accidents goes on and on. Unlike other top reasons for auto accidents, there’s nothing you can do to control dangerous weather events. Snow and ice-covered roads make it harder to maintain traction while you are driving and are frequently a factor in accidents in colder regions of the United States.
How to avoid: What you can do is slow down and pay closer attention to the road than usual. Keep your windshield as clear as possible to maximize visibility. If the roads are slippery, drive extra cautiously and at a safe speed. Don’t make sudden stops, turns or lane changes. If road conditions become too dangerous, pull over and call for help or wait it out.
5. Intersection chaos
Intersections can beconfusing and stressful. Sometimes it’s not clear who has the right of way. You also have to watch out for drivers running red lights or stop signs; that’s a side-impact accident just waiting to happen.
How to avoid: When the urge to speed through an intersection hits, remind yourself that it’s not worth risking your life and the lives of others simply to save a minute or two. When you approach an intersection, slow down and come to a complete stop. To avoid confusion, use your hands to signal your intention.
You are now familiar with the different causes of car accidents and equipped with strategies to minimize their likelihood. Suppose drivers did a better job of paying attention, minimized distractions (the most common cause of collision), and followed the rules of the road. In that case, we could significantly reduce the number of car accidents each year.
If you are involved in a collision, take your vehicle to your local Fix Auto USA body shop for reliable collision repair by our team of highly qualified technicians. We are open for business and ready to serve you.
This blog post was contributed by Fix Auto Lancaster, a leading industry expert and collision repair shop serving Lancaster, the Antelope Valley, and the Mojave Desert.
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