What Is a Fender Bender, and How to Handle One?
November 17th, 2020 by Fix Auto USA

A fender bender is usually considered a minor car accident since it occurs at a low speed. During a fender bender, the involved vehicles generally sustain the most damage to their fenders. As such, they may require fender repairs.
Causes of Fender Benders
Some of the reasons why fender benders occur include:
- A collision happens after a motorist stops suddenly and is rear-ended
- A driver backs out of a parking space and collides with the car behind their vehicle
- A distracted driver inadvertently strikes a moving or parked car
Regardless of the cause of a fender bender, it is crucial to know how to handle this type of accident. That way, all drivers involved can take the necessary steps to manage the accident’s impact.
How to Handle a Fender Bender
There is no standard approach to a fender bender. But, if you approach it in the same way as other types of car accidents, you can move forward from the fender bender as quickly and efficiently as possible.
To reduce your risk of a fender bender, avoid driving distractions, keep a close eye on the road at all times, and park your vehicle in a safe spot. Though, even by minimizing your risk, a fender bender can happen to any driver, at any time. Fortunately, if you know what to do in a fender bender, you can get through the incident with composure.
What to Do in a Fender Bender
If you’re involved in a fender bender, take a deep breath and try to remain calm. Move your car to a safe spot on the side of the road, assess the situation at hand, and ensure that you and your passengers are safe. You should verify that the other driver and any of their passengers are safe, as well. If anyone involved in the accident has suffered injuries, call 911 for immediate medical assistance.
Once you confirm the safety of all involved, contact the police. This allows you to report the accident to the authorities and get a copy of the police report.
You should also share insurance, contact information, and vehicle details with the other driver involved in the fender bender. Capture photos of any damage to your car and the other driver’s vehicle. Get the contact information for any accident witnesses, too.
Tips to Prevent a Fender Bender
Defensive driving is key, particularly for those who want to avoid a fender bender. There are several things that you can do to simultaneously practice defensive driving and limit the risk of a fender bender and other types of car accidents, such as:
- Turn off your cell phone while you drive
- Pay attention to traffic signs
- Avoid tailgating and stay a safe distance away from other cars on the road; ideally, you should keep at least a 3-second following distance from all other vehicles
- Drive slowly and cautiously in rain, snow, and other inclement weather conditions
Along with the tips mentioned above, you should get your car checked regularly by a certified auto mechanic. They can identify any of your car’s mechanical problems that could otherwise hamper your ability to drive safely.
If you’re involved in a fender bender, you should contact a certified auto body shop for assistance. This ensures that you can get your fender assessed and fixed or replaced right away. Plus, this shop’s auto body technicians can address any other car exterior issues as needed. To schedule a service appointment with Fix Auto, please contact us online or call us at 800.INFO.FIX.
This blog post was contributed by Fix Auto San Clemente, a leading industry expert and collision repair shop servicing San Clemente.
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