The Most Common Auto Body Repair Claims in Oregon
December 3rd, 2015 by Eli P

Auto body claims happen for many reasons. Accidents or collisions represent the #1 cause for auto body claims, and most collisions are caused by driver error. In the state of Oregon, the leading causes of driver error collisions are (in order of frequency):
- Failure to avoid a stopped vehicle
- Driver did not have the right of way
- Driving too fast for traffic conditions
- Failure to maintain lane
- Following too closely
Regardless of the cause, collision claims are a necessity to repair, as the damage in a high-speed collision can be considerable. They can also cause damage to the frame and understructure of the vehicle, requiring further repairs beyond the bodywork. Fortunately, most collisions can be avoided by driving within the speed limit, paying close attention to road conditions, and avoiding distracted driving such as texting or talking on the phone.
More Causes of Auto Body Claims
According to auto body repair shop technicians, the reasons for auto body claims are as varied as they vehicles they work on. After accidents and collisions, the most common include:
- Wind Damage. High winds are a common cause of auto body damage, especially in the mountainous regions in the middle part of the state. Most wind damage is due to falling trees or limbs or other objects blown into the car at a high rate of speed.
- Other Weather-Related Damage. These types of claims include damage resulting from flooding, landslides, mudslides, hail and freezing rain. In the drier parts of Eastern Oregon, brush fires and wildfires can also produce a significant number of auto body claims.
- Animals On the Highway. In Oregon, deer and elk that stray onto highways represent a large source of auto body claims, especially in Klamath, Lane and Jackson counties. Vehicle-wildlife collisions tend to peak throughout the state during the month of October, when the animals start to migrate to winter ranges. To avoid a claim of this type, pay close attention to “wildlife crossing” road signs, and be especially vigilant around dawn and dusk.
- Vandalism. Unfortunately, auto body claims can also result from intentional acts of destruction by human beings. These tend to occur more frequently in the larger cities like Portland and Eugene, but they can happen anywhere. Vandalism typically produces minor claims such as paint scratches, broken windows, and slashed tires, but in some cases can require significant bodywork in order to restore the vehicle to good condition.
- Rust. With so much rain, sleet and snow throughout the state of Oregon, it’s no surprise that rust is a frequent contributor to auto body claims. Worse, since the rust typically occurs on the underside of the vehicle, it can be hard to spot until it has become a serious problem. If you notice rust anywhere on your vehicle, take it into your nearest Fix Auto shop for inspection and repair.
Let Us Fix It For You
As the experts in auto body repair, Fix Auto can fix the damage to your vehicles regardless of the reason for the claim. With multiple locations throughout Oregon, we’re easy to find and easy to get to!
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