Everything You Need To Know About Right of Way on Left Turns
November 13th, 2020 by Fix Auto USA

What is the left turn right-of-way rule? In most states, if you are making a left turn, you must yield the right of way to oncoming cars. When turning left on green, you should wait for a clear opening before making your turn and be on the outlook for pedestrians, motorcyclists, and bicyclists. This helps ensure that the flow of traffic is not interrupted. When the rule is followed, it can significantly reduce car accidents resulting from left turns.
Left turns can cause collisions for a few reasons. One factor is that the driver’s perspective of the road may be obstructed by trees, signs, and other parked cars. Another factor is that easily distracted drivers are called upon to suddenly focus on details like the distance and speed of oncoming cars, sometimes coming from multiple directions, or the pedestrian who at the last moment might dash out onto the street. Drivers have to quickly scan the road, analyze the data, and make a snap judgment. The additional pressure of being tailgated doesn’t exactly help matters. Left turns require some serious multi-tasking and more mental and physical exertion than right turns. And if drivers are talking on their cell phones while attempting to navigate a left turn (even on a hands-free device), that’s a double whammy that imposes enormous stress on the brain and increases the risk of an accident.
Here are some left turn rules to live by, or at least to drive by:
- A left turn yield on green can especially confuse some drivers. Look both ways before trying to turn to confirm there’s no oncoming traffic approaching.
- As you complete your turn, do not veer into the right line. Not only is it inviting a collision, but, depending on the state, it could also be illegal.
- Start signaling roughly 100 feet before you get to the turn.
- Learn and respect the rules of the road and local laws. It not only makes you a better driver, but also helps you avoid an accident.
Remember, for distracted drivers, a left turn is an accident just waiting to happen. So what is the solution moving forward? Some people and companies plan driving routes that eliminate or minimize left turns altogether. For the majority of us, that’s not possible.
But if you practice good driving habits, stay focused and minimize distractions, and make sure to yield the right of way to oncoming traffic, you can significantly reduce the risk of an accident.
If you or any family member is involved in a left-hand turn accident, or any other accident, Fix Auto USA is open for business and ready to serve you. Bring your car to your local Fix Auto USA body shop and let our team of highly trained and certified technicians take good care of your car – and of you.
To schedule a service appointment, please contact us online or call us today at 800.INFO.FIX.
This blog post was contributed by Fix Auto Riverside, a leading industry expert and collision repair shop servicing Riverside County.
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