Drive Safe on New Year’s Eve
August 13th, 2020 by Fix Auto USA

New Year’s celebrations are popular across the globe. But if you intend to drive to visit family or friends to celebrate the arrival of the new year, you need to plan accordingly. You may be at greater risk of a car collision if you drive on New Year’s Eve than you would during other times of the year.
Driving on New Year’s Eve: Here’s What You Need to Know
December 31st marks the final day of the year. As such, New Year’s celebrations are common, particularly for people who want to kick off the new year on the right foot with family and friends.
One of the most popular things to do during a New Year’s celebration is to drink a glass of champagne when the clock strikes midnight. At this point, the new year has officially arrived, and people like to commemorate the event with a glass of bubbly.
Along with champagne, people may be prone to consume other alcoholic beverages as they celebrate the new year’s arrival. Yet, if people aren’t careful, they may overindulge in alcoholic beverages during their New Year’s celebrations. The result: these individuals can put themselves and others in danger, particularly if they get behind the wheel and cause a collision.
New Year’s Eve Drunk Driving Statistics
Nearly 30 people in the United States die in drunk-driving car crashes every day, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). This equates to one death caused by a drunk-driving crash approximately every 50 minutes, and more than 10,000 lives lost due to drunk-driving crashes annually.
Research indicates that the number of alcohol-related car accidents rises during the week between Christmas and New Year’s. The National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism states 40% of deadly crashes between Christmas and New Year’s involve drunk drivers. In addition, NHTSA reports an average of 54 fatalities occur due to alcohol-related car crashes on New Year’s alone.
New Year’s Eve Driving Tips
If you intend to commemorate the new year’s arrival with family and friends, make sure to drive cautiously. If you prioritize New Year’s driving safety, you can minimize the risk of a collision that results in serious injuries or fatalities.
There are several things you can do to navigate the roads safely on New Year’s Eve. Safety tips include:
1. Plan Ahead
Depart for your New Year’s celebration as early as you can. Determine which roads you plan to take before you begin your drive. If you encounter heavy traffic or poor weather conditions, return home. You can always use video conferencing or other technologies to connect with family and friends and celebrate New Year’s Eve with them from the comfort of your home.
2. Drive the Speed Limit
Don’t exceed the speed limit, even if you’re behind schedule and want to reach your New Year’s celebration right away. It is unsafe to travel too fast on roads, regardless of the circumstances. Fortunately, if you drive the speed limit and follow the rules of the road, you’re well-equipped to reach your New Year’s celebration safely.
3. Never Drink and Drive
Do not drink and drive. If you recently consumed alcohol, ask a friend or family member to drive you to your New Year’s celebration. Or you can hire a taxi or use a ridesharing service to avoid getting behind the wheel while under the influence.
4. Avoid Driving Distractions
Turn off your cell phone and don’t eat or drink when driving. Focus exclusively on the task at hand: driving safely, so you can celebrate the arrival of the new year with family and friends.
Finally, it can be beneficial to get your car checked by a certified auto mechanic before you drive to a New Year’s celebration. If you have your car regularly inspected and repaired by a certified auto mechanic, you can immediately address any mechanical issues. Best of all, you can avoid a mechanical problem with your car that otherwise prevents you from reaching your New Year’s celebration.
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