The Most Common Stop Sign Violations That Cause Accidents
October 8th, 2020 by Fix Auto USA

Have you noticed that stop signs don’t get much respect? Drivers seem more willing to ignore a stop sign than a red light. But stops signs are there for a reason – to protect drivers and pedestrians as they approach an intersection. Drivers who violate stop sign rules – for example, not coming to a complete stop or choosing to run the stop sign altogether – can make intersections a hotbed for car collisions and put other lives at risk.
Failure to stop at a stop sign ticket
A stop sign violation may be issued to drivers who fail to come to a complete stop (AKA, a rolling stop) or fail to use their turn signals at a two-way or four-way intersection. But even more worrisome: what if the violation causes an accident?
Here are some of the most common causes of stop sign accidents:
Human error
Unintentional error at a stop sign intersection can cause an accident. Imagine a driver from out of town who gets confused and inadvertently takes another driver’s right of way. Both drivers proceed forward past their respective stop signs and collide.
Reckless driving
Drivers who drive recklessly and don’t follow the speed limit are more likely to cause a stop sign collision. They may speed right by the stop sign without stopping or slam on their brakes at the last moment. Any of these actions can lead to a collision.
Distracted driving
A driver who is distracted or zoning out is more likely to run a stop sign. Cell phone users, texting addicts, and daydreamers are at high risk of causing or contributing to an accident at a red light or intersection.
Driving Under the Influence
Driving while under the influence increases the likelihood that a driver will miss the stop sign altogether. The attention to detail that is required is just not present , and this increases the risk of an accident and of injury to the driver and other passengers.
Obstructed vision
Sometimes a blind spot or an obstruction like a tree or parked truck can make it difficult to spot a stop sign, causing an unsuspecting driver to speed right through the intersection without stopping at the stop sign.
Inclement weather
When it’s snowing or raining and the driving conditions are less than optimal, stop sign collisions are more common. Driving in early morning fog or direct sunlight can also obstruct the driver’s vision and cause human error at a stop sign intersection.
Common types of accidents
What types of car accidents can we expect as a result of a stop sign violation? Rear-end collisions are common. A reckless or distracted driver who fails to apply the brakes as he approaches the stop sign rams the vehicle directly in front of him. Side-impact collisions can happen when stop sign rules are not followed – for example, a car is in the process of turning when another car crashes into its side. Any of these scenarios can cause significant injury to your body and car!
Be sure to follow the stop sign rules. Ensuring that you come to a complete stop at all stop signs will help you avoid an accident and keep you and your loved ones safe. That is our preference. But if you are involved in an accident at a stop sign or anywhere else, first call the police so there’s an official report and then bring your car to your local Fix Auto USA for reliable collision repair. We are open for business and ready to serve you.
This blog post was contributed by Fix Auto Hawthorne, a leading industry expert and collision repair shop serving Hawthorne and Southwestern Los Angeles.
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